Order Now

Orders may be placed by calling our toll-free number (888) 777-7056 or our local number (814) 227-8090. We would be glad to help you determine the appropriate product that meets your needs and answer any questions you might have.


If you’re ready to order, please provide us with the following general information and we will call Mail A Checkyou to get your payment information. Much safer this way!

If your church is sending a check it should be placed in a USPS “window” priority envelope so it can be tracked. Addressed and made out to:

DigitalHymnal.Net inc. aka Moulin Mills Music
PO Box 954
Knox PA 16232

Purchase Information

**This is a large form and all information has to be filled out correctly. Please check your entries if sending fails. If you cannot get the form to send please just call us with your information. Thank you.

    Shipping Information


    Shipping address other than church’s - Adult Signature Required on all shipments


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