Gloria 4 Hymn Player


A Christian Digital Hymnal that works like an electronic orchestra allowing worship music to be played at any tempo and any pitch using your favorite instruments.

Gloria can also be used as electronic accompaniment for fill-in instruments during a worship service.


Gloria is available programmed with the Celebremos su Gloria Hymnal (Spanish), The Celebration Hymnal (English), or both..


  • Screen backlighting, to view the screen in the dark.
  • Volume knob has no physical stop to prevent damage to the volume control.
  • Improved instrument sounds. More instruments are available to the user (120).
  • Improved speaker quality, better overall sound quality.
  • Volume balanced across the hymnal, so all the hymns play at similar volumes.
  • Improved user control on individual track volumes.
  • <Extra bass> setup option.
  • <Melody 110%> setup option.
  • Global key change setup option.
  • Romanian language.
  • Battery level display.
  • Improved screen messages and displays throughout.
  • Additional options for alternate tunes (when creating hymnals).
  • Simplified process for updating software, instruments and hymnals.
  • New tools and documentation for users to add their own hymnals.

The Gloria hymn player has enabled thousands of groups in Latin America and other parts of the world to improve their singing and learn hundreds of new songs…

Gloria Music was organized in the early 90’s to provide accompaniment for Spanish-speaking congregations using the Celebremos su Gloria Hymnal (published by Libros Alianza). However, the compact digital orchestra has become a popular choice in over 70 countries for people of many languages and cultures. Gloria became available in 2000. Now on its fourth revision, Gloria includes a USB port that allows users to add their own hymns, as well as full hymnals such as The Celebration Hymnal (published by Word-Integrity). Gloria may be connected to a sound system, but is also portable and can be powered by D-cells or solar-charged batteries.

GLORIA 4 is totally self-contained.  It runs on four D size flashlight batteries, an AC adapter, or a solar charged battery; and it has a built-in speaker and 5 watt amplifier.  The sound volume is adequate for a group of ten to twenty people.  For use in larger churches, a sound system, keyboard amplifier, or guitar amplifier can be plugged into the external audio jack.

Compare the sound of the 16 channel GLORIA 4 with 5-6 channel devices costing three to five times more.  All hymns are also provided in a simplified 5-6 channel sound to make GLORIA 4 compatible with sound of previous Glorias as well, so you can take your choice.

The original intent of Gloria was to provide a worship aid for use in Latin American and other Spanish-speaking churches in conjunction with the hymnal Celebremos su Gloria.  Nearly 200 of the hymns are of purely Latin American origin.  But about 400 of the hymns and choruses are familiar in English.  Thousands have been sold across the world in more than 65 countries.

Note GLORIA 4 is also keyed to an additional 800+ hymns from The Celebration Hymnal, one of the best selling hymnals in the world, published by Word Music/Integrity Music.  And as new songs become available, you will be able to purchase them and download them to your GLORIA 4 over the Internet (PC computer only).





Should you have any questions, please call anytime at (888) 777-7056 / (814) 227-8090.