About Us

DigitalHymnal.Net inc. is a web-based retail distributor for the electronic hymn player products.

Our mission is to be a one-stop solution for all your church’s digital hymn player needs along with answering questions about them.

Company principals have a combined church music and experience of over 50 years. Moulin Mills Music  / DigitalHymnal.Net inc. prides ourselves in taking customer service very seriously and features the only full-time retailer of digital hymn players and accessories in the industry.

DigitalHymnal.Net inc. is an authorized warranty and sales representative for the HT400US and the HT300US by Hymn Technology in the U.S.A. For more information you can contact us at (814) 227-8090 or Toll Free at (888) 777-7056.HT-400

Capability Statement